Monday, August 13, 2007

Q. I is keeping a journal really worth while when I have tonnes of ideas and stories stored in my head?

A. Keeping a journal, exercise book of notes, rough jotting book, or a hundred small notes pinned on a board, is very much an individual choice. I can only say that in my own experience keeping a small note book of ideas, descriptions of places, people, faces, clothing, unusual housing …well anything that may take my eye had proven extremely helpful.
Sometimes finding where I last left the book can be more trouble than writing in it has ever been.
I guess many will say they keep a list stored on their computer but the computer may be at home and it is the instant recording of items of interest that will often be the best as they have the reality in the words that may be missing when a description is needed a few hours or even days later.
I definitely use mine a great deal. I have a large one for home and a small diary size for my handbag.
Try it for a few weeks, I’m sure you will find it an invaluable help. Liz ©

Q. I really want to be a writer but my friends and family don't take me seriously. How can I convince them?

A. There are not many of us who haven’t seen the barely undisguised look of disbelief on the face of a friend or family member when we have spoken about being a writer. Most try to be well mannered and don’t laugh out loud and very few pat us on the head and tell us we’ll get over it. But it happens.
It should, if you can remain focused on your writing make you more determined to succeed.
Join a writing group and mix with other people who are interested in writing, art or at least reading. They will be your support group.
When you have your first cheque or publication, no matter how small, tell the doubters and show them. Eventually the ‘look’ will fade out of their eyes. Liz ©

Q.When do I start calling myself a writer?

A. The minute you start writing and thinking about your writing every day. You don’t necessarily need to have been published, or paid for your work. If you write each day and you intend to make it the focus of your creative urge. Then you are a writer.
A scientist is someone who enters a lab searching for answers or cures that he may never find during the course of his life. He is still a scientist because that was his life’s work. A walker starts with the first step, a gardener with the turn of the first sod as she pictures in her head the design and colour of the created garden. You are what is inside your mind and heart. My daughter gave me a hanging which says ‘Life isn’t about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself ’ I wold add 'bring what is within you....out'.
Being a writer comes from inside you. It is up to you to bring it out and show everyone else that is what you are. LIZ ©